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    The European Migration Forum – the dialogue platform on migration, asylum and migrant integration - will meet for the nineth time on 28-29 November 2024.

    Participation in the Forum meeting is by invitation only - the call for interested organisations will be opened soon.

  • The EESC is organising this public hearing to discuss how to enhance budget transparency through participatory budgeting in the EU.

  • The Section for Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is working on an own-initiative opinion on Climate change and its impact on the economy, with the aim of developing a common narrative about the impact of climate change on the economy.

  • The hearing will gather stakeholders from civil society and institutions to look into the various forms of violence against women and girls that are not covered by 2024 Directive on gender violence. The objective will be to provide a perspective that truly contemplates a common comprehensive policy against gender-based violence, offering a comprehensive and effective strategy against this violation of human rights within the framework of the Union. Reflexions will feed into an Own-Initiative Opinion by the EESC FRRL Group.

  • The EESC is organising a hearing on " Leaving No One Behind: European Commitment to Rare Diseases " on 12 July 2024 from 9:30 am to 1 pm.

    During the event, we will listen to contributions from policy makers, civil society and patients' organisations and other relevant stakeholders, on the achievements and challenges at EU level and try to identify possible ways to move forward.

    The outcomes of the hearing will feed into the EESC's opinion.

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    589th Plenary session, with the following guests: Roberta Metsola, President of the EP (tbc); János BĂłka, Minister of EU Affairs of Hungary;  Nicolas Schmit, EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Maxime Cerutti, Director of Social Affairs at Business Europe, Tea Jarc, Confederal Secretary of the EU Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), RareČ™ Voicu, President of the EU Youth Forum and Nicoletta Merlo, EESC Member; with Teresa Ribera, Minister for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge of Spain (tbc), Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (tbc); Saadia Zahidi, Managing Director, World Economic Forum

    You will be able to follow the debates by web streaming. Web streaming

  • Thematic debate and launch of a study

    The debate will start at 12.00 and end at 13.00 CEST. It will be webstreamed in English, French and Spanish. Prior registration for the webstreaming is not necessary. It will be available on this website on the day of the event.

  • The Section for Economic and Monetary Union and Economic and Social Cohesion (ECO) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is working on an own-initiative opinion on 'An EU investment fund for economic resilience and sustainable competitiveness' with the aim to develop a common narrative on the financing needs for the green transition and sketch out central elements of an EU investments fund that could allow EU Member States to more effectively address the financial needs of the Green Deal.

    In the context of the work on this opinion, the ECO section decided to organise a public hearing bringing together experts from organised civil society and decision-makers. The aim of the public hearing is two-fold: on the one hand, to discuss the draft EESC opinion, and on the other hand, to collect further views and ideas to expand and refine the EESC's draft recommendations.

  • The EESC's Permanent Group on disability Rights is organising a hybrid public hearing on " Ensuring sexual and reproductive health rights for women with disabilities " on 8 July 2024 from 9:30 am to 1 pm.

    During the event, we will discuss with relevant stakeholders existing good practices as well as problems encountered by women with disabilities both in the EU and on a global level.